It’s heating up outside, which means it’s time to prep your pool for warmer days. In this blog, we’ll cover the key points on how to open your pool for the summer. Let’s dive in.
What month should I open my pool?
If you’re thinking about opening your pool for summer, you’re likely wondering when you can start. First, there are a few factors to take into consideration, like where you live and what condition your pool was in when you closed it. Also, do you live in an area where the snow and cold tend to linger?
If yes, then you may need to wait a month or two longer than the warmest regions in the country. Generally, you want to wait until the temperatures are consistently over 20 degrees Celsius. In Canada, that’s usually around May or June, so your prep work could start in these months or a month earlier.
What to Keep in Mind When Opening Your Pool
When you’re opening a pool after winter, there are some key considerations to keep in mind:
- If you closed your pool too early (before temperatures cooled down) algae could have appeared, turning your pool green.
- If you allowed your pool to turn green in the fall and then covered it, the clean-up in spring could take a little longer.
- If you have green water or notice any other issues, be sure to open up your pool as soon as the weather begins to consistently warm up to deal with them right away and begin the steps to opening your pool for summer.
These issues of algae and buildup could delay your opening, so make sure to plan ahead and use the right chemicals and tools to maintain your water.
Steps For Opening Your Pool for Summer
With the warm weather and sunshine more of a re-occurrence these days, you can start to take the steps necessary to open your above-ground pool or in-ground pool. Keep in mind the chemicals needed for pool start-up and any other equipment you may need before you begin.
How to open your above-ground pool or in-ground pool for the summer:
1. Clean around the pool
Get rid of any debris from the pool area, patio deck, plant beds, etc.
2. Fish out the big stuff
Use a pool net to remove leaves and other debris. A pool cover pump can remove any standing water left on your cover.
3. Clean and store the cover
Once your cover is removed, clean it, dry it, and then store it properly for the season. Store inside a storage bag or heavy-duty container with a lid. If your cover is a vinyl clip-in type, you must store it in a container full of water with an algaecide.
4. Prepare your plumbing
Remove freeze plugs and other devices used to protect your plumbing against freezing. Reinstall any drainage plugs that were removed and reconnect any plumbing and hoses. If you didn’t thoroughly clean your filter before closing up for winter, do so now.
5. Add fresh water
Start to add water to your pool to bring it up to its normal operating level. If your pool has a safety cover, this may not be necessary.
6. Get the filter going
Start your filter system up by priming the pump before starting the motor.
7. Inspect and clean the pool
Check for any leaks and inspect your pool. Remove any remaining large debris with a leaf net. Dirt, sand and algae should be vacuumed.
8. Check the water chemistry
Check the pH and other chemical levels. Let water circulate for at least 24 hours to allow the newly added water to mix with the existing pool water.
9. Add chemicals
Test the water thoroughly and add the necessary chemicals needed for pool start-up and in the proper sequence. You can take a water sample to a pool professional and have it tested for pH, calcium hardness, total alkalinity, etc.
10. Do extra cleaning or a shock treatment if necessary
If your pool water is green, you may need to super chlorinate it with chlorine or a shock treatment to get rid of any algae.
When can I start swimming in your pool after winter?
Wondering how long after shocking a pool can you go in for a dip? Simply let your filter run another 24 hours after treatment and then test before letting anyone enter the pool. Then it should be good to go!
Get Your Pool Ready for Summer with Leisure Industries
Enjoy your pool and keep up with regular maintenance to keep it performing at its best.
Have more questions about how to open your above ground pool for the summer, opening your in-ground pool, or interested in which chemicals are best for your pool? Contact Leisure Industries for all of your swimming pool needs today!
Updated 2023